Community Outreach

Ribbots use their core value of IMPACT to take what they learn in FIRST® and apply it to their lives to better the community around them.

The team supplements their season tasks with outreach projects to share STEAM with the broader community and to find ways bless others.

Team outreach activities include:  Mentorship of Gethsemane Explore Team, STEAM Activity Days, Feed My Starving Children, Operation Christmas Child, Mentorship of Mighty Oaks Explore Team, and more.


STEAM Activities for a Local Community Event

Robot Demo

Robot Demo Day at Gethsemane 


Teaching a Younger Explore Team at Gethsemane about their Water Turbine.


Ribbots created a team for students with severe autism (called Mighty Oaks) and taught them STEAM activities.


We taught the Mighty Oaks core values such as teamwork.

STEAM Camp "Brick Day Away"

Operation Christmas Child

Feed My Starving Children

Ronald McDonald House Lego Kits